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Environmental Consequences

The Environmental Consequences section of an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) includes a discussion of the “reasonably foreseeable environmental consequences of the proposed and no action alternatives.” It is in this section where environmental impacts are quantified, compared and a determination of significance or no significance is made.

The Environmental Consequences chapter considers impacts in some of the following categories:

  1. Air Quality
  2. Biotic Resources
  3. Coastal Barriers
  4. Coastal Zone Management
  5. Compatible Land Use
  6. Construction Impacts
  7. Section 4(f) Resources
  8. Federally-listed Endangered or Threatened Species
  9. Energy Supplies, Natural Resources, and Sustainable Design
  10. Environmental Justice
  11. Farmlands
  12. Floodplains
  13. Hazardous Materials
  14. Historic Properties
  15. Induced Socioeconomic Imapcts
  16. Light Emissions and Visual Effects
  17. Noise
  18. Social Impacts
  19. Solid Wastes
  20. Water Quality
  21. Wetlands
  22. Wild and Scenic Rivers
  23. Cumulative Impacts

The focus of the environmental consequences analysis is on resources that would be directly, indirectly and cumulatively affected by the proposed build or no build. Environmental impacts of alternatives, other than the sponsor’s build and no build alternative also should be discussed in the EIS. Any adverse environmental effects that cannot be avoided if the proposed build or no build is implemented, and mitigation, if applicable, must be discussed.

In determining whether a proposed build or no build will have a significant impact, the EIS shall include considerations of whether the build is related to other actions with individually insignificant but cumulatively significant impacts. This analysis shall include identification and consideration of the cumulative impacts of ongoing, proposed, and reasonably foreseeable future actions and may include information garnered from FAA's National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) processes.

— Quotes taken from FAA Order 1050.1E

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